Thankful for my puppy

It’s funny how many times I begin to type that I hit the backspace button because I am not sure of what to write.  I just had to mention that because it seems that I use the backspace key more than any other key besides the space bar.  Ok, that’s off my chest.

Ever since I was little, I have seen myself as a cat person.  I have had a few pet cats throughout my childhood that I would hold, play with, and care for.  I didn’t hate dogs, but I definitely did not prefer them.  With dogs, you have to be on schedule, walk them, feed them, clean up after them, play with them, and on and on and on.  It never ends with dogs.  I always wanted a low maintenance pet that I could have and enjoy without all the fuss.

Well, life rarely turns out the way we plan.

I have my cat whom I have enjoyed about 7 years of life with.  She is my ace.  We chill together on hot or cold days.  I would be able to entertain her with a little flash of light.  She would get the “house crazies” from time to time and zip from one room to the next.  She was the only pet I ever needed. Then, one July day while driving back my family reunion, I found a puppy on the side of the interstate in Alabama.  The situation with her was suppose to only be temporary.  We were to nurse her back to health, make sure she had her shots, and give her away or take her to the Humane Society.  But, like I said, nothing happens as planned. I fell head over heels in love with this dog.  And it shows to everyone.  I never knew how capable I was to be unselfish and giving to another being until she came around.

Daily I have gotten up before the sun comes up and taken her outside.  I have been happily reduced to a poop picker-upper, and someone who has to sometimes say hush in the middle of the night to a barking dog.  I buy her the expensive dog food, wash her about once or twice a week, and actually stay in thought of things she could do and be excited about.

I love getting up and taking her to a new park or nature trail and watching her run through the woods, play in the water, and fall out in a mound of leaves.  Her excitement for life actually invigorates me when I don’t feel like smiling or want to sulk and cry.  She is such a symbol of happiness.  In her world, only one word really exists–play.  Ok, maybe happiness too.

And I think the spellbinding thing for me is the look in her eyes.  I never really understood how people said that certain children’s eyes sparkled.  I did not see it; however, I can see it in my dog’s eyes.  She has this little spark of life.  It is a recipe of innocence, love, playfulness, and a bit of wide-eyed tomfoolery in the mix as well.  I absolutely love it.

I have learned so much from being a puppy mother.  I don’t fear pit bulls anymore.  Because I have taken the pup to go and play with other dogs, I can’t cower in fear or run in the opposite direction when a pit is coming my way.  Now, pits will come up to me, jump on me, and play with me.  I totally gave them a bad rap.  Having her helped me to conquer that.

My pup has also taught me to be patient and giving.  Although I love being all about me, I have learned how to give and live with another being who actually needs me.  The only way I can not sleep in is if she is not with me.  If she is there, at 6am,  I am up taking her outside for her morning stroll around the yard.  At one point, I took her to the dog park daily for two hours.  This lasted almost 3 months.  Weekly, I buy her rawhides to chew on to make sure her teeth are getting what they need.  I have also learned to everything cannot happen when I want them to happen.  When she is awake or wanting to play, I have learned that she is just being a dog, and not to expect her to be human.

My dog is love in animal form, and I love to receive it.  A day does not go by that I don’t grab her by the face look at her eyes, and eskimo kiss her.  Those sweet moments with her are the things that warm my heart.  I am thankful for my puppy.

About cmallett79

I am a weird combination of superficial feelings and deep, sincere thought. If you can peg me in words, I will worship you. Oh yeah, I have a cat that is now joining AARP and a dog that although is a year old has a lot of puppy in her.
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2 Responses to Thankful for my puppy

  1. catnipoflife says:

    Cassandra, what a wonderful post! My husband and I have been both cat and dog persons. Now, we are solely slaves to the cat. We have wonderful memories of our dogs when the children were growing up, especially our son (Scott). He and Chief, the black lab, were inseparable. Your picture of the pup sitting in the chair looking out the window brought back awesome memories as he waited patiently for Scott to come home from school!

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